This 1926 beauty has approximately 1000sf under air with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It must be moved from its current Edgewood National Historic District location at 1005 Groveland Avenue, Venice FL 34285. The current owner is offering the home free to anyone who can remove it from the lot. Time is limited before demolition. Moving a house is a costly adventure, so be sure to have budgeted enough for the site prep, the move, and then the restoration work required to get the home hooked back up to utilities and repair any damage caused by the move. SAHP may be able to help. If you have the resources, the lot space, and the passion to give her a second life, please reach out to:
Harry Klinkhamer
Historic Resources Manager
City of Venice
The only way to truly secure our historic properties against profit driven speculation,
is an easement. When the dirt under our feet becomes so valuable, even historic districts become vulnerable.