On December 12-13th, 2024, Ethiel Garlington, the Executive Director of The 1772 Foundation came to see the Sarasota Preservation Program in action.
His arrival corresponded with our 2024 Six to Save Announcement Event, but members of the Committee were able to join Ethiel, and his wife, for dinner later that evening. The conversation around the table was boisterous, as we shared tales of two hurricanes, and learned more about Ethiel’s prior history at Preservation Macon, and his new role with The 1772 Foundation.

On Friday morning, we gathered for breakfast so that other Committee and Board Members would have an opportunity to meet Ethiel, and then embarked on a whirlwind tour.
We viewed the historic downtown core, which is at the heart of the new Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Program we helped the City create. The group visited all of our loan project sites and got to meet the owners of the Lustron, Selma Göker Wilson, Architect, and Christopher Wilson, Architectural Historian at Ringling College of Art and Design.

Another stop on the tour was the Colson Hotel, the fate of which, at the time, was still hanging in the balance. We shared our experiences partnering with Sarasota African American Cultural Coalition, and other members of the community in the advocacy efforts for this important building.

We are proud to announce that SAHP's Sarasota Preservation Program has been awarded a $25,000 grant from The 1772 Foundation to further the work we are doing with the Historic Loan Program and expand our impact throughout more of the County.
Thank you!